Knowing “What” You’re Voting For Is Important

I saw a sign in front of a church building that said: “Whoever stole our air conditioning units – keep one; it is hot where you’re going.”

Things are definitely heating up now that we’re getting close to an election, and there’s lots of hot, new promises blowing around. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation reminds Canadians that they are the only ones “regularly holding all the parties to account by pressing them to explain how they’ll pay for their promises.” The CTF adds, “In every election there are countless issues being debated, but the bottom line is if you can’t balance budgets, it means someone else down the road will get stuck with the bill.”

The CTF also reminded Canadians of a promise made to balance the budget in the last election, adding, “But we all know what we got instead: a $20 billion deficit”.

This time around, the Liberals promise to “Run three years of deficits in order to boost spending on infrastructure and create new jobs, and balance the books in 2024.” Hopefully the CTF will get an opportunity to ask how they plan to pull that off.

You may also want to be aware that both the NDP and the Green party are saying “no”
to the Keystone XL pipeline. All these hot new proposals and promises make the more than 100 year old Charter of Rights and Freedoms look very appealing, whereby our founding fathers secured for us the freedom to question any perceived threats to our society. But even the right to free speech is being challenged.

The NDP party opposes free speech and wants to bring back the repealed Section 13 censorship provision of the controversial Canadian Human Rights Act. The Liberal party also opposes free speech and have said they’ll look at legislation to force social media firms to remove “hateful and extremist content”, a broad label likely to target a wide range of content which the Liberal Party deems “hateful”. Social media is already locking accounts because of content they dislike; speech legislation would silence anyone with a conflicting opinion.

It appears the Liberal, NDP and Green parties are in agreement on several issues. They all are in favour of continuing with a carbon tax and rebate program. The Liberals want to increase it $10 a year, the NDP want to add an additional crack down on heavy emitters, and the Green party says the carbon tax is not sufficient to meet the emissions target which they hope to double.

The three parties also believe in enforcing compelled speech, which forces Canadians to
utter words with respect to “preferred personal pronouns”. The threesome support taxpayer funding of international abortions, with the Liberals going on to say “the right to abortion is at the core of our foreign policy”.

All three of the above parties support the decriminalizing of the buying and selling of sex. Once again, they’re endeavoring to give the right to choose, but is prostitution a career choice you would recommend for your loved ones?

In the upcoming weeks you may want to take a firm hold on our more than 100 year old rights and freedoms that our founding fathers established, and use your vote to ensure no one steels it from you. You’ll also want to do your part to ensure all those unwanted promises are broken and the proposals remain proposals and nothing more. At the end of the day, you not only have to know “who” you are voting for, but more importantly “what” proposals you are voting for.

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By Joan Janzen

Joan Janzen resides in Kindersley where she enjoys spending time with family and friends, volunteering, working as a graphic artist, reading, and of course writing. She likes to compare her column 'Check It Out' to crafting a cake. Sweetness of humor and buttery flavor combine with otherwise hard to swallow zucchini-like information, resulting in a flavorful and fulfilling sensation.