Kindersley Soccer Ready and Waiting

Equipped with new volunteers and armed with dynamic goals, the Kindersley Minor Soccer Association patiently waits for May. With the first wave of entries in, the Soccer Association has already picked this year’s coaches, managers, coordinators, and teams. “We are still accepting late entries,” confirmed Darin Wildman, president of the Soccer Association, “but this year… Continue reading Kindersley Soccer Ready and Waiting

Soccer Program Looks Ahead to New Beginnings

For the Kindersley Soccer Association, the first Tuesday of May can’t come soon enough.  With registrations trickling in daily, the association is already sizing up the green. “We are planning to fill all the age levels, team wise, this year,” commented Darin Wildman, president of the association, “seems that every year our numbers grow a… Continue reading Soccer Program Looks Ahead to New Beginnings