Where’s The Discussion?

A hillbilly told a weatherman, “We don’t need you here. We have the best way to tell the weather. We have a bucket.”

“What if it rains?’ the weatherman asked.

“The bucket is full of water,” the hillbilly answered. “What if it snows?” the weatherman asked.

“The bucket has snow in it,” was the answer.

“What if there’s a strong wind?” the weatherman asked. “The bucket is tipped over,” the hillbilly said.

“A flood?” the weatherman asked.

“Then the bucket is going down the road,” was the reply. The weatherman asked, “What if there is a tornado?” The hillbilly replied, “Then a weatherman shows up.”

Not only will a weatherman show up, but the media as well, and maybe a few climate change alarmists. The latest is 16-year-old Greta Thunberg who travels world-wide promoting “Fridays for Future”, which are climate strikes for children and adults to “raise awareness for climate change, the lasting effects of political, social and economic in-action”.

Watching her speak to Hollywood celebrities at an awards ceremony was interesting. She would pause after each scripted sentence as the celebrities erupted in applause. Her proposed solutions of minimal air travel, cessation of the consumption of meat, and keeping fossil fuels in the ground where they belong, were followed by more applause.

Greta’s parents, an actor and an opera singer, have become vegetarians and opted to travel less. Owning several homes, they appear to be people of considerable means. Not many Canadians could afford to follow Greta’s lead and take a two- week voyage on a yacht to get to their destination.

The teen appears younger than her sixteen years. Devoid of make- up and wearing pig tails, the girl spoke at the UN Global Climate Action Summit in New York, urging people to panic. “People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are at the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of endless economic growth. How dare you!”

What the public dare not do is dare to criticize a child, especially one with health issues; and therein ends any opportunity to indulge in any kind of dialogue.

“I don’t have all the answers, but I do have the background and experience to evaluate where there’s more to the story than what you’ve seen in the papers.” observed Terry Etam, a business owner. “I’ve come out of this background as both an environmentalist and a capitalistic oil patch worker, and I suspect there are a lot more like me. The petroleum industry likes to say the world consumes 100 million barrels per day of oil and that number is climbing. Climate activists counter that with a 16-year-old Swedish girl with a forlorn ‘we’re all going to die before we get to taste beer’, made her a poster child for everything they want to achieve, and no one can hear our message.”

“Even in the most optimistic scenarios for the universal adoption of renewable energy, the world will continue to require significant amounts of oil and natural gas for the foreseeable future.”

He concluded that, “Maybe embracing wide-scale carbon capture and sequestration would be enough, so that we can keep feeding and fueling the world in peace. Having said that, some of the more die-hard activists are strongly opposed to carbon capture/storage because it allows petroleum companies to remain in business.”

Stewart Muir, executive director of the Resource Works Society, based in Vancouver, said, “In all this, there is never a word about our large dependence on imported fossil fuels that are lesser than our own by so many measures.”

Environmental scientist Delgado Domingos said, “Creating an ideology pegged to carbon dioxide is dangerous. The present alarm on climate change is an instrument of social control, a pretext for political battle.”

In case you’re asking “What exactly is an ideology?”. By definition it is “a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy”.

So a 16-year-old says, “How dare you!” and Hollywood, the public, and the UN show up to applaud. But does it promote an open discussion amongst everyone involved? Or does it silence those who would dare to offer alternative suggestions?

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By Joan Janzen

Joan Janzen resides in Kindersley where she enjoys spending time with family and friends, volunteering, working as a graphic artist, reading, and of course writing. She likes to compare her column 'Check It Out' to crafting a cake. Sweetness of humor and buttery flavor combine with otherwise hard to swallow zucchini-like information, resulting in a flavorful and fulfilling sensation.